Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Well that was lame.  It's so not Monday anymore is it?!  Well, losing that lame point, I think I got 71 points for the week.  I am so not as motivated as before.  Is it because it's summer or because I'm pregnant?  I do think all the points I've lost are eating late.  One night I was hungry, but said I'll just go to bed and eat in the morning, I woke up at 3:30 and ate rice krispies!!  Sometimes, I don't want to eat period, let alone 3 veggies!  But I am glad I'm doing this, or I would just say, i'm pregnant so I can down a bag of oreos or have ice cream, or eat what ever I want.  So even though I'm not enjoying it this time, I thank you on behalf of me and my baby that we are getting good food and exercise!  btw, I'm only 8 weeks, so let's keep this info within family only.  I figured all would find out next weekend anyway, but it is early for me to announce.  Ty has a sister in town who asked me point blank yesterday if I was pregnant, and if she knows it won't be long before more peterson's know!  ps the title is lame-o because of not reporting yesterday!  The title for being prego is Awesome-O!  So there are your two good news for the day.  (I know you are all secretly happy to see me lose points!!)  But the other news is even better news!  Have a Great day!!

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